4C enables TV synced ads across channels

Staff writer
18 Jan 2016

4C, a data science and media technology company, has released its SaaS TV Synced Ads product, a self-service portal that enables 4C clients to synchronize campaigns programmatically across TV, digital, and mobile channels.

Through 4C, marketers can deliver online display banners, video, rich media as well as search and social ads on second screens (smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops) based on live TV triggers.

Within moments of a specific commercial, selected programming or live event airing on TV, 4C is able to recognize the content and launch a corresponding ad.

Underpinning 4C’s proprietary solution is Teletrax, the largest global TV monitoring network which was acquired by 4C in July. Teletrax provides the most comprehensive and accurate data for TV ad syncing with 2,100+ channels indexed in 76 countries.

In September, the 4C Social Ads product was integrated with TV Synced Ads to support multi-screen experiences across leading social media properties including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

This latest release adds display and search campaign management for TV syncing to complement social and give marketers the ability to truly surround consumers and engage them with the right message at the right time.

“The great benefit is putting the power of TV ad syncing into the hands of our clients, so that they can manage their campaigns quickly and more efficiently,” said Alok Choudhary, founder and chief scientist of 4C.

The 4C TV Synced Ads product promises to simplify the logistics around cross-channel marketing coordination.

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