Popular smartphones' mobile speeds vary

Dylan Bushell-Embling
21 Feb 2014

A new mobile app published this month by researchers at Finland's Aalto University has found that there is a significant gap between the download speeds of various mobile devices.

The Netradar app is designed to measure the quality of mobile internet connections throughout the world. Information from users' devices is collected to form a map showing the performance of connections at a chosen geographic location.

But the app has also uncovered a disparity between the download throughput of various mobile devices.

Netradar has compiled a list of the top 50 devices by maximum download throughput. It shows that the top device, LG's G2 D802, achieved a max throughput of 103.3 Mbps. This compares to 100.9 Mbps for the Galaxy S4 4G, and 93.5 Mbps for the iPhone 5S.

Lower down the list, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 LTE clocks in at just 48.8 Mbps, while the iPhone 5C delivered speeds of 36 Mbps.

Aalto University's Professor Jukka Manner toldAssociated Press that such a disparity proves that while mobile users are quick to blame their operator for unsatisfying connection quality, the devices they are using are often to blame.

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